The Kraft Case Lawsuit

If you are a victim of deceptive and tortious behavior by the defendant, then you can make a claim for your injuries in a Kraft Lawsuit. This case is also known as a Class Action Lawsuit. If the defendant is one of the well-known companies such as Kohler or Ford, they may face a situation where they must pay damages to a class because they have behaved unethically. The damages can either be financial or non-financial.

Kraft Lawsuit

The Kraft Lawsuit alleges that the defendant, Kraft Foods USA, was manufacturing and marketing the pesticide known as ethylparaben, or EPP. The FDA had previously banned the use of this pesticide in any food that could be consumed by consumers. However, the FDA did not consider the safety of the high concentrated levels of the chemical in the cheese.

According to the Kraft Lawsuit, as many as twenty-six different kinds of commercial and household products contain phthalates in the production process.

There are also health hazards in these products that could affect the health of the individuals who are regularly using them. A major portion of the Class consists of children. Most of these products come from food service, including hot dog toppings, sauces, snacks, and more.

Some of the popular dairy products that are a part of the cheese class action lawsuit allege that the chemicals used in the cheese were endangering the health of the children who frequently ate them. These are only some of the common food products that are covered by the Class Action Lawsuit.

The Class Action Lawsuit further claims that the defendant’s advertisements regarding the use of the Phthalate as an additive are misleading and deceitful because they do not inform the consumer that the chemical has been banned by the FDA.

This deception is, according to the class action lawsuit, intentional on the part of the defendant and is a violation of the federal False advertising Act. The defendant, through the advertisements, failed to inform the public that the FDA had banned the use of the Phthalate in cosmetics. The deceptive statements, according to the complaint, also failed to inform the public that the FDA had issued statements discouraging the use of Phthalates in cosmetics. This causes the plaintiff to file the Class Action Lawsuit against the defendants.

Another claim made in the class action lawsuit is that the defendants did not take reasonable steps to ensure that the Phthalate was not improperly adding to the cost of their goods.

The Class Action Lawsuit further claims that the defendants did not take reasonable steps to ensure that the Phthalate was not leaching into the groundwater or other natural sources that the public was exposed to.

As a result, a significant number of the plaintiff’s class have suffered harmful effects from the Phthalate. The Class Action Lawsuit further claims that the defendants have engaged in a campaign of deception in an attempt to cover up the ineffectiveness of their products.

The Class Action Lawsuit further claims that the defendants did not take reasonable and adequate steps to monitor the level of Phthalate contamination in the distribution channels of their cheese products.

As a result, a significant number of the plaintiff’s class are suffering harmful effects from exposure to Phthalate during the manufacture of their favorite cheese products. The Class Action Lawsuit further claims that the defendants were aware of the danger involved in exposing the public to Phthalate during the production of their cheese products, but chose to ignore the risks.

Finally, the Class Action Lawsuit claims that the defendants did not take reasonable and adequate steps to ensure that the public was not exposed to unreasonably high levels of Phthalate during the manufacture of their popular cheese products. The Class Action Lawsuit further claims that the defendants were negligent in allowing Phthalate to be added to their cheese products.

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